Quality Management Systems AS/NZS ISO 9001 Certification

DNV ISO 45001 logo

Our quality procedures are designed to ensure that all regulatory requirements are met and that we maintain consistent and uniform control of our systems to meet our client’s expectations. We ensure the highest quality result is delivered on each and every project regardless of size and expenditure.

All our operations are certified by DNV.GL Business Assurance Australia Pty Limited (previously ISC International Standards Certification Pty Ltd) to AS/NZS ISO 9001.

Our quality leaders are skilled in their area and provide governance and assurance across all our projects.  This means our clients have added confidence in the finished product.

We build on the dedication of the our employees to provide them with the right tools, systems and training to deliver a quality project that will function as intended for decades to come.

Quality Policy

AsClear is committed to the assurance of the product quality and services we provide through the management of objectives in a safe, socially and environmentally responsible manner.

As part of our Quality Management System, AsClear will:

  • Consider business, quality, safety and environmental related outcomes at all stages of the decision making process
  • Set and achieve objectives and targets to continuously improve business performance
  • Ensure that all our operations comply with legislation, regulations and meet interested parties expectations
  • Regularly review and report performance
  • Ensure that all employees and contractors are fully aware of and meet their responsibilities
  • Operate third-party certified Management Systems e.g ISO 9001 and AS/NZS 4801
  • Recognise, communicate and respond to client concerns
  • Identify opportunities to improve the business performance

Our Management team are responsible for implementing system and performance improvements by:

  • Ensuring the Management Systems are effectively resourced and maintained
  • Identifying compliance through Audit Programs and actioning all areas of non-compliance